Drucker löschen

Der Kyocera Mita Deleter erlaubt das vollständige Löschen aller Kyocera Mita Druckertreiber aus den Windows Betriebssystemen Windows 9x, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 und Windows XP. Dabei werden alle treiberrelevaten Dateien und Registry-Einträge aus dem System gelöscht!

und das beste daran: das tool von kyocera löscht nicht nur hauseigene, sondern alle drucker! ganz ohne installation…

Blackberry Log Analysis

The log file on a Blackberry Enterprise server contains a number of entries that track every interaction between your enterprise,the Blackberry network, and those wonderful little devices. Searching that log for individual information is tedious and time consuming.

The Blackberry Log Analysis tool will be a collection of design items that will automate much of the searching, parsing, and other tasks that an administrator may have to perform from day to day.

read on and get it via openntf.org

IBM Announces New Lotus 7 Certs, Upgrade Exams

This week IBM announced the certifications for its upcoming Lotus Notes and Domino 7 track as well as upgrade exams for those certified on Lotus Notes and Domino 6 and 6.5.

All of the following new certifications will be for Lotus Notes and Domino 7:

IBM Certified Associate Developer
IBM Certified Application Developer
IBM Certified Advanced Advanced Application Developer
IBM Certified Associate System Administrator
IBM Certified Systems Administrator
IBM Certified Advanced Systems Administrator

wer wäre nicht gerne ein advanced advanced application developer? 😉

via certcities.com

na endlich…

nachdem kurz nach dem erscheinen von nd7 die notes und domino downloads von ibm wieder entfernt wurden (angeblich nicht wegen einem bug), sind diese nun endlich wieder verfügbar.

IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 7 products are now available for download.

If you downloaded Lotus Notes and Domino 7 GA products on or prior to Friday, 2 September 2005, please note: Some IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 7 products were temporarily unavailable for download while we corrected a problem with the distribution site. Please be aware that this problem did not involve the executable code. It concerned an administrative issue with downloading the proper license agreement for these products.

You do not need to re-install the product.


die downloadrate ist wie üblich sehr akzeptabel…