IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 7 Public Beta 4

The final beta release for Notes and Domino and the Extended Products 7, Beta 4, is now available!

The Beta 4 release consists of:
– Notes and Domino 7
– Domino Web Access (DWA)
– DB2 Access for Domino (DAV support)
– Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI)
– QuickPlace
– Sametime
– Document Manager
– Domino Global Workbench (DGW)
– SwiftFile application

See the Lotus Notes/Domino 7 Release Notes for a detailed list of all features in Beta 4.

Domino Design Library Examples

The Design Library, a Notes NSF file, is intended to be opened in the Notes client. It contains code samples for various useful functions and reusable design element descriptions. The latter provides documentation for a design element that you can add to one of your own databases by clicking a button.

A sampling of the functionality to be found here:

– Table Editing – A couple of different ways to store tabular information in a Notes document using multi-valued fields, allowing the user to edit one row at a time.
– Progress Bar – Display a percent complete graph while running long processes.
– @Functions script library – LotusScript implementations of various useful list-oriented @Functions, such as @Word and @Explode. A lot of these have been implemented in Notes 6 for string arguments, but these also work in release 5 and on array arguments.
– “Don’t show me this message again” checkbox for Notes applications.
– Comparison of any two documents side by side.
– A more efficient history footer subform showing the author and time of the last several edits of a document.
– A better Newsletter class.
– Object collection classes in LotusScript — Queue and Linked List.
– Compact all databases (locally or on a server).
– Scan a server for database ACL problems and for multiple replicas of the same database.
– Remove orphaned response documents agent.
– ” SendKeys” library sends keystrokes to the Windows OS.

Quick Elementer 1.1

Quick Elementer is a document based design element implementer. It is very much like the group objects in Teamstudio’s Design Manager (formally Teamstudio Librarian). Elementer will perform the task of coping and pasting design elements form one database to another. I created this because I am a big believer in code reuse using templates and got tired of copying and pasting!

new in version 1.1:
Quick Elementer can now copy elements and inherit elements on the same document.

Lotus Notes Word – Automation

“Notes und Drucken, zwei Welten treffen auf einander.” So kann man das Thema Drucken bei Notes umschreiben, obwohl in der Version 5 die Druckfunktion etwas erweitert wurde. Was liegt näher daran, ein parallel installiertes Office für die Ausgabe zu nutzen. Aus diesem Grund entstand diese Klasse für die Word-Automation. Sie stellt Grundfunktionen bereit um Dokumente auf Basis von Druckformatvorlagen zu erstellen, Daten zu übergeben, Text zu formatieren und Serienbriefe zu erstellen.

Klasse für Word – Automation

Teamstudio Script Browser

Teamstudio Script Browser shows:
– all classes and functions from the main tree, with 3 tabs to sort the code by script library, by class, or by call. Selecting something in the tree displays the properties of that function/class.
– the name of the script library in which the function is found.
– the line number on which the function is defined within the script library.
– how the function was declared, especially useful for when you simply want to know what parameters to pass to a function.

und das beste: das tool ist kostenlos!

Working with groups in LotusScript

In this article, we discuss two ways to work with groups. First, we look at the built-in LotusScript class, NotesAdministrationProcess, available in Lotus Notes/Domino 6.0 and later. This class can add members to groups, rename them, and delete them (along with many other functions not related to groups). There is no function to remove users from a group; however, if you use the administration process (AdminP) to remove users entirely, they will also be removed from groups. For more on the NotesAdministrationProcess class, see the article, “LotusScript: The NotesAdministrationProcess Class in Notes/Domino 6.

We also present two custom LotusScript classes that support a wider set of group operations. The code was written for Lotus Notes/Domino 6.0 and later; using it in release 5 requires some minor changes. The article contains a few sample agents that show how to use these classes for different tasks. The classes are not usable from COM because they use the List datatype internally, which Visual Basic does not support.

via developerworks bzw. sandbox

GetDBInfo 0.1

speziell in größeren umgebungen mit vielen datenbanken wird es schnell unübersichtlich; man stellt sich fragen wie:
wo haben diese datenbanken repliken?
werden die datenbanken überhaupt noch verwendet?
sind einstellungen wie z.b. “AllowMoreFields” aktiviert?

klar kann man das alles “händisch” per administrator herausfinden; doch besser wäre es natürlich, wenn die daten automatisch gesammelt werden würden und man diese nur noch auswerten muss.
genau das soll diese domino datenbank bieten; wie man an der versionsnummer erkennen kann noch nicht zur gänze – aber sie ist schon mal ganz praktisch.

was es bis jetzt gibt:
die datenbank gliedert sich in drei bereiche: die konfiguration, ansichten für die ausgelesenen datenbanken und aufgetretene fehler
das menu

Continue reading “GetDBInfo 0.1”


The DatabaseProperties class was created to manage Notes databases in small to enterprise-wide domains using LotusScript and the Lotus C API to set most database settings on release 5 and 6 databases that you can set via the Notes client, but that you don’t manage via LotusScript directly.

You can enable/disable or change the name of this property in a Notes database.

On the Database Properties Box Basic tab:
Disable background agents for this database
Allow use of stored forms in this database
Display images after loading
Web Access: Use JavaScript when generating Page
Web Access: Require SSL Connection

Continue reading “DBProperty”