Feed on Feeds 0.1.8

endlich! mein liebster rss-reader steht in einer neuen version zur verfügung; neben dem upgrade zu MagpieRSS 0.7 wurden ein paar kleinere erweiterungen eingebaut – wie zum beispiel die “old-to-new” ansicht

das killer feature “show-only-interesting-articles” fehlt mir noch; ich komme bei meinen 119 feeds welche ich zur zeit lese teilweise ganz schön ins schwitzen – aber mir scheint, das wird es nicht so schnell geben 🙂

Lotus Support adds RSS feeds

When we first started the Lotus.com/weblog, one of the most common questions was — “Where’s the RSS feed?” At the time, there wasn’t a single RSS feed to be had anywhere on the software side of ibm.com.

Well, times have changed. There are numerous RSS feeds now available from IBM developerWorks.

  • Lotus support RSS feed: http://www.lotus.com/ldd/rssfeed.nsf/lotussupport.rss
  • Lotus Notes support RSS feed: http://www.lotus.com/ldd/rssfeed.nsf/notessupport.rss
  • Lotus Domino support RSS feed: http://www.lotus.com/ldd/rssfeed.nsf/dominosupport.rss
  • Lotus Team Workplace (Quickplace) support RSS feed: http://www.lotus.com/ldd/rssfeed.nsf/qpsupport.rss
  • Lotus Instant Messaging and Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) support RSS feed: http://www.lotus.com/ldd/rssfeed.nsf/stsupport.rss
  • via Ed Brill

    RedBooks RSS Feeds


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    RedBooks RSS Feeds

    Feed on Feeds 0.1.7

    It includes a experimental pre-alpha version of Magpie that really tries its best to get the whole character encoding thing right.

    ich habe zwar immer noch probleme mit einigen feeds, aber die hauptsache ist: es wird daran gearbeitet, damit feed on feeds noch besser wird!

    hier gibts die neue version: fof blog

    Feed on Feeds 0.1.6

    nach version 0.15, die das von mir beschriebene problem mit den nicht geschlossenen tags behob, gibt es bereits die version 0.16:

    0.1.5 still had some pretty major bugs. I’ve fixed those, and tested this relase pretty thoroughly. Hopefully this one has no “SEVERITY ONE” issues.

    By the way, I’m very very impressed with the “many eyes” effect on these last few releases. The community of FoF users found all the bugs almost immediately… within hours! And in the middle of the night! (at least, it was night here). And, had not only had they posted good bug reports to SF, but they even found the root causes, and produced patches! I wish the QA group at work was one tenth this good.

    fof blog