This tool will detect and identify problem documents in a database which have files attached with broken links to the Body field. It does this by scanning through all of the CD records in a given rich text field. The tool can be set to run on a specific form or look at a specific field with command line parameters. The defaults are for the Memo and Reply forms and the Body field. This tool is supported for double-byte character sets as well.
Month: January 2006
About Month: January 2006
Worst Use of Bill Gates in a TV Commercial
In August, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates starred in a Coke commercial in which he wandered the halls of Microsoft late at night looking for someone to loan him change for the Coke machine. It was a cute idea with one fatal flaw: Microsoft has a 20-year tradition of providing its employees with all the soda, coffee, and caffeinated beverages they can drink—free of charge.
Command Line GPO Refresh
Command Line GPO Refresh is a command line utility to remotely refresh Group Policy on Win2K, XP or Server 2003. The utility auto-detects the target OS version and applies the appropriate options. NOTE: You need the .Net Framework 1.1 installed on the machine where you run this utility from.
LotusScript GoTo
eigentlich sollte man meinen, dass das springen zu zeilen standard ist – im notes designer sucht man diese funktionalität allerdings vergebens; abhilfe schafft LotusScript GoTo… traurig, dass man dafür ein tool benötigt.
how can this be true?
eure erklärung dazu (und dazu)?
Troubleshooting Lotus Domino hangs and crashes
what’s the difference between a server hang and a crash? More important, how do you go about fixing them? In this article, we explain how you can identify Lotus Domino server hangs and crashes, and what you can do to analyze and correct them.
Lotus Notes Bookmark and Workspace Usage Survey
This survey is designed to gain information from you about the way you use Lotus Notes Bookmarks and Workspace in version 6.0 or later. (If you use an earlier version of Lotus Notes please do not take this survey).
put your business in our anus…
spannender werbeslogan – er stammt von der firma anus notebooks.
We know you’ll love having the biggest ANUS in town with the new ANUS XXL. Size does matter when it’s an ANUS.
na dann…
tip of the day
ich kann diese “tip of the day” boxen nicht ausstehen – aber manchmal sind diese doch ganz witzig; wie hier vom softerra ldap browser (mal abgesehen davon ein spitzen tool!):