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Month: February 2006
About Month: February 2006
vista is funny
Troubleshooting Windows STOP Messages
wenn man einen blue screen hat möchte man natürlich gerne den grund wissen, um das problem lösen zu können; besondere bedeutung hat dabei die achtstelligen hexadezimalen nummer – z.b. 0x000000C9 – gefolgt von einem kurzen text, in diesem fall “DRIVER_VERIFIER_IOMANAGER_VIOLATION”. lösungen bzw links zu lösungen gibt es auf; darf in keiner linksammlung fehlen!
Performance Monitor Wizard
The Performance Monitor Wizard simplifies the process of gathering performance monitor logs. It configures the correct counters to collect, sample intervals and log file sizes. This wizard can create logs for troubleshooting operating system or Exchange server performance issues.
ohne worte
perfekte lagerung…
Archiving Through Policies Does Not Work with a User Who’s Domino Server Name is Changed from All Caps to Lower Case
Archiving through Domino server policies does not work with a user who’s Domino server name (found in the user’s Person document) is changed from upper case to lower case.Solution
This issue has been reported to Quality Engineering.The casing (uppercase and lowercase) that is used to register the server must match the casing that is used in the “Server name” field of the Person document; otherwise, archiving will not work.
hallo?? das ist wirklich krass…
Lotus Domino server licensing FAQ
in der Lotus Domino server licensing FAQ werden einige sehr wichtige fragen beantwortet; z.b., dass multicore nicht nur mehr leistung, sondern vor allem auch mehr lizenzkosten mit sich bringen:
Multi-core technology allows two or more processors (commonly called “cores”) to be active on a single silicon chip. With multi-core technology, IBM considers each “core” to be a physical processor. For example, in a dual-core chip, there are two physical processors residing on the single silicon chip.
Download ISA Server 2006 Beta
Download and try the latest version of the firewall, VPN, and web cache solution and learn more about how you can protect your IT environment from Internet-based threats while providing your users with secure, anytime, anywhere access to Microsoft applications and data.
Text is too big
… die archivsettings policy funkt zwar erstaunlicherweise ohne probleme, jedoch kann ich mir auf den db’s jetzt die archiv-settings nicht mehr ansehen 🙁