Image via Wikipediadie meisten werden wohl das sharepoint warmup script kennen, das es mittlerweile auch in einigen variationen gibt.
wesentlich besser jedoch ist der sharepoint warmup job – es handelt sich um einen timer job:
The purpose of the custom timer job is to act as a replacement for the Windows SharePoint Services warmup scripts. Because Windows SharePoint Services is an ASP.NET 2.0 application, pages are compiled from the generic MSIL to native code upon first use. This is known as just-in-time (JIT) compilation. If not performed beforehand, it can cause pages to load slower the first time they are requested. For the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 beta release, Microsoft provided a script, known as the warmup script, that issues HTTP requests to a list of Windows SharePoint Services URLs to force the JIT compilation. Although it is not widely used in a production environment, the warmup script removes the initial load time of a requested page. This is useful for Windows SharePoint Services demonstrations and development. The timer job that is demonstrated in this article serves to replace the warmup script.