Clear Hide/when Formulas

This utility clears hide when formulas from a specified rich text field. The utility is not designed to act on particular documents within a database. It removes all hide when formulas in a specified field for all documents in the database which contain that field.

The utility is designed to run on a Windows system which has a Notes Client installed.

1. Download and unzip the executable into the Notes program directory.
2. Type unhidert “database” “field” at a command prompt, where “database” is the name of the database and “field” is the name of the field to be processed.

UNhideRT.exe Utility to Clear Hide-when Formulas From Specific Rich Text Fields

Lotus Support adds RSS feeds

When we first started the, one of the most common questions was — “Where’s the RSS feed?” At the time, there wasn’t a single RSS feed to be had anywhere on the software side of

Well, times have changed. There are numerous RSS feeds now available from IBM developerWorks.

  • Lotus support RSS feed:
  • Lotus Notes support RSS feed:
  • Lotus Domino support RSS feed:
  • Lotus Team Workplace (Quickplace) support RSS feed:
  • Lotus Instant Messaging and Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) support RSS feed:
  • via Ed Brill

    Decipher domino error messages

    Sobald man sich ein wenig mit dem entwickeln von domino web applikationen beschäftigt, lernt man unweigerlich auch die etwas gewöhnungsbedürftigen fehlermeldungen des domino http tasks kennen – was bedeuten diese fehlermeldungen nur? das ist teilweise auf gar keinen fall sofort einleuchtend…. auf sind einige der meldungen aufgelistet und sehr gut erklärt – lesenswert!

    Installation Guide for Lotus Domino 7 beta2 with DB2

    … das wird es zwar bis zum finalen release zumindest von offizieller stelle nicht geben, aber einen ganz guten überblick bietet dieser beitrag auf dem notes/domino 7 public beta forum.

    Domino 7 Beta 2

    The following configurations of Domino and DB2 are supported:

  • Local Configuration — Domino 7 and DB2 version 8.1.6 (for beta 2) installed and running on one computer.
  • Remote Configurations
  • DB2 Connect is installed on the same servers as Domino 7, and the Domino 7 server is pointing to one instance of DB2 8.1.6 installed on another computer.
  • Multiple Domino servers are reinstalled on one partitioned server. DB2 is installed on another server.