iCalendar Probleme

den artikel iCalendar reschedule from Exchange does not change time finde ich spannend:

You receive a meeting invitation through the Internet from a user who is on a Microsoft Exchange 2000 server and using an Outlook 2000 client. You accept the invitation and your calendar is populated with the correct meeting information. This same user later sends you a reschedule notice. However, it does not appear as a reschedule but as an “Informational” e-mail. You open the e-mail and click the “Update Calendar” button. The date is changed, but the time is not.

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# MSTR5JRRWW; however, it was determined not to be a Lotus software problem and will not be addressed in the 6.x codestream.

The problem does not occur beginning in 7.0 provided both a 7.x client and 7.x template are used.

also: wenn es angeblich kein problem von ibm ist, warum funktioniert es dann mit einem 7er client?