wie bereits einmal kurz erwähnt, stellen die mitunter unkontrolliert entstehenden sharepoint installationen durchaus ein problem dar. um dagegen überhaupt etwas unternehmen zu können, muss man natürlich zuerst herausfinden, wo derartige installationen vorhanden sind.
hier kann microsoft helfen ( ❗ ), und zwar mit dem SharePoint Asset Inventory:
The main purpose of the SharePoint Asset Inventory Tool is to give the IT administrator answers to a number of important questions through the generation of reports. These reports include information on:
– The servers running some version of SharePoint.
– The installed SharePoint features.
– The total number of SharePoint sites on each server.
– The total number of documents on each server.
– The total number of documents grouped by extension on each server.
– The time since the SharePoint assets in each server were last modified.
– The customized SharePoint sites and items on each server.
– The number of SharePoint lists on each server, grouped by the number of items on each list.With this information, the IT administrator can determine which unmanaged servers have SharePoint assets on them and prioritize the order in which to bring them under IT management
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